Live Streaming allows businesses to reach new potential audience, and more possibilities for engaging with the audience!
Our team plans and handles everything about your product live-streaming
Design promotion angle that would be the mostengaging for the live streaming
Prepare the backdrop, visuals and props needed during the live streaming. These will be customized for different brands.
Select, handle and manage live hosts
We have all live-streaming hardware and equipments available and ready, so you don't have to worry about them
Prepare all the hardware needed during the live streaming, as well as the set up of these hardware
We could help setting up the venue to be live-streaming ready with all the related props
We also help to promote and market your livestream, making sure it creates the biggest impact
We will prepare the feed and visual for the teaser post on brand's and artist's (if any) social platforms
We will guarantee viewers for the campaign, recruit micro-influencers to share the live, watch the live and engage with the engagement games
We are happy to brainstorm with you how to design an influencer marketing campaign, or we welcome everyone to become Spreadians!